Monday, January 3, 2011

Mapping the Values of Organisation

  • Organisational culture is the new frontier of competitive advantage, partucularly in a situation where talent is in a short supply. Talented people will always stay to companies that care about their employees and their customers
  • Organisational cultures can be changed either by changing the leader or through whole-system change. Failing companies tend to bring in new leader from the outside with a different consciousness and different priorities. Successful companies, tend to promote from within so they can preserve their winning culture.
  • The intangible assets of an organisation, such as culture, have a significant impact on the share price of a company. The intangible can represent as much as 65% to 85% of a company's stock price. Therefore, one of the ways to improve your share price is to focus on improving the culture.
  • Whatever you focus on and measure gets done. Individual leaders, managers and supervisors are accountable for the culture of their units.

Article by: Richard Barret

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