Sunday, August 24, 2008

Concern vs Influence

I have mentioned the same subject in my previous write-up. Talking about our concern and our influence. Both carry different meaning and of course it will reflect two or more different outcome. I believe this is important particularly we in Malaysia- as Malaysian.
It is well known that when we have a kopitiam session, be it with our relatives, friends, neighbours, or in our corporate environment; our working colleagues. Most of the time spent on discussing subject which if not more, a little concern or interest to both parties. It normally starts with certain article or subject highlighted in daily newspaper or other media (not exceptional - from the popular blogs!). Example, serious conversation about the recent EURO Football results which we know we cannot do anything to influence the game or even to influence their fan club in local country. We also talk about national issues, politics, community issues which in the end, we knew we do not have high influence to change or to improve. I a way it is good topic to discuss rather than nothing to talk! Some of you might or might not agree with this.

However, to be highly effective people, while expanding our circle of concern, we should focus on what we can do to improve further. Means, what level of influence we currently have and what level of influence we must gain in order to improve results, situation, relationship or other positive behaviour of our own, team, community etc.
Identify our circle of inluence now.

Think before you throw!

I used to work with one of Malaysia's Solid Waste Management Company, The largest Solid Waste Management Concession holder untill today. I'm interested to quote on one of the popular tag called " Think before you throw!" This will discourage people to simply throw rubbish anywhere they want.
This also applies in our daily life. Means, we must think before we do anything, before we take any actions, before we react, or before we tak any response on certain consequences. In a normal situation, we do not have such problem to think first before we 'throw'. However, given a certain degree of pressures, emotions or other related parties' urgency, we might fall into a 'throw later think' syndrom!

To avoid from being trapped with the 'throw later think' situation, one must be able control his/her emotion at any time, and to control emotion requires passion. Surely this is not a brain job. It is a combine heart and minds job. Scientifically, we shall be guided with multi-intelligence; This is where the IQ,EQ,SQ,PQ and UQ applies in our life.

My point is, to avoid 'throw later think' trap, we shall now start building our muscle in the area of IQ,EQ,SQ,PQ and UQ. I will explain more of the ..Q in the near future.

Expanding "Thinkers" (My Blog name) scope!

As Stephen Covey wrotes in his decade's popular book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, to be effective, one must work on the circle of influence, and to expand the circle of concern.

The same goes to this blog. Previously, most of the articles posted were from other authors or contributors. Those articles chosed based on my circle of concern! No doubt they are all excellent articles and lots of lesson learned. Yes, I will continue posting (with author's consent - express or implied)good articles as usual.

Now is the time for me to directly contribute to 'write', to share my thought, my concern, my experience and others as well, nothing more than to expand our circle of concern. I believe as an individual, we are all unique in nature.

The Journey begin

I intend to share and write my ideas many times since my early adulthood. Well, not as serious as to be a full journalist. At least, to be able to write from my heart to what I want to 'book' or share my thought to others. Not now, may be later.

I believe, as a novice, I keep on fighting with my level of confidence due to my lack in writing, Be it in Bahasa or English. Untill someone discover 'blogs' as a practical and unique platform for rookie writers like me. That's why I name my first topic as above "The journey begin". From now on, I will continue write and share my thought as and when I feel it is necessary for others to share and view their thought as well.