Sunday, August 24, 2008

Think before you throw!

I used to work with one of Malaysia's Solid Waste Management Company, The largest Solid Waste Management Concession holder untill today. I'm interested to quote on one of the popular tag called " Think before you throw!" This will discourage people to simply throw rubbish anywhere they want.
This also applies in our daily life. Means, we must think before we do anything, before we take any actions, before we react, or before we tak any response on certain consequences. In a normal situation, we do not have such problem to think first before we 'throw'. However, given a certain degree of pressures, emotions or other related parties' urgency, we might fall into a 'throw later think' syndrom!

To avoid from being trapped with the 'throw later think' situation, one must be able control his/her emotion at any time, and to control emotion requires passion. Surely this is not a brain job. It is a combine heart and minds job. Scientifically, we shall be guided with multi-intelligence; This is where the IQ,EQ,SQ,PQ and UQ applies in our life.

My point is, to avoid 'throw later think' trap, we shall now start building our muscle in the area of IQ,EQ,SQ,PQ and UQ. I will explain more of the ..Q in the near future.

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